Fire, Health & Safety Policy

1. The village hall committee is responsible for the Fire, Health and Safety Policy, and will appoint a member of the committee to be the Fire Safety Co-ordinator. The Policy will be reviewed annually.

2. Committee Responsibilities

The committee recognises its duty to staff, users of the hall, volunteers and others who may be affected by its activities and aims to protect them from risks to their health and safety as far as is reasonably practicable.

The above will be achieved by ensuring that all users:

a) Identify and assess risks to which people in their activity are likely to be exposed

b) Introduce specific measures as appropriate to minimise these risks

c) Adopt safe working practices

d) Maintain systems to effectively implement, monitor, review and improve health and safety on an on-going basis

e) Ensure that appropriate Employers’ and Public Liability insurance cover is in place a copy of which is displayed in the hall.

3. Volunteers and User Responsibilities

Every user in the building has a responsibility to take reasonable care for the health and safety of him/herself and any other person who may be affected by his/her acts or omissions. Users in the building should co-operate with the hall committee in efforts to comply with statutory requirements in the field of health and safety.

In particular, all users should:

a) Use the hall safely and efficiently

b) Use any equipment provided according to instructions

c) Report and record all incidents on the premises that have or may lead to injury or damage. The Accident Book is in the folder in reception area.

d) Make suggestions to improve health and safety in the hall


4. Accidents

The first aid box is in the kitchen on the kitchen cabinet by the serving hatch, and one in the bar.

The person with responsibility for maintaining the first aid boxes is the named delegated officer and the custodian.

Hirers should report any accidents to custodian who will in turn report to a Trustee.

An accident/incident record book is in the User Manual in the reception area.


5. Fire Safety

Firefighting equipment is provided in the appropriate places with the Village Hall, according to particular fire risk posed (Fire blanket in the kitchen).

All firefighting equipment is visually checked on at least a monthly basis and serviced annually and the results recorded.
Any extinguisher/s that have been discharged/damaged must be reported to ensure they are immediately replaced.

• Smoke, and heat alarms, will activate in the event of a fire, ensure that everyone evacuates the premises and call Fire Brigade.

There is no smoking or vaping in the premises.


6. Emergency Lighting

All emergency lighting are visually checked at least once a month, and serviced annually, all results are recorded in the Fire Log Book.

7. Escape Routes and Exits

All Village Hall escape routes and exits are clearly signed, should be kept from obstruction to ensure safe evacuation from the building. These are manually checked monthly and recorded.

Outside lighting is provided over external fire exits.

8.Electrical Appliances

The Village Halls electrical wiring installation is inspected every 5 years by a recognised contractor, and results recorded.

A reporting schedule for maintenance of portable electrical appliances is undertaken by a delegated member of the committee.

If an appliance is found to be faulty, the appliance should be labelled immediately, taken out of use and the fault reported to the delegated member.

Any equipment bought into the hall should be appropriately inspected and/or  PAT tested.

9.House-keeping and premises

Risk assessments will be carried out on the premises and will include potential hazards such as trailing cables, loose carpeting, lighting, use of equipment and hand-tools, storage, waste disposal etc.

Fire Safey Guidance and Emergency Plan for Hirers


You, the hirer, are the Responsible Person, in the event of a Fire or an Emergency within Witcombe & Bentham Village Hall during your hire of the hall.

At all times the hall is in use the ‘Responsible Person’ must be in charge and be ready to take control of any incident.


  • Check you know where the fire exits are and that they are not blocked eg. By tables, chairs or equipment

  • Check you know how and where to evacuate the building.

  • Check no balloons, or decorations, will fall and obstruct any Fire Exit.

  • Inform your attendees where the Fire Exits routes are and the Assembly Point (in playground by Goal).

  • Count the number of people at your event.

  • Brief any attendees who may need assistance should an evacuation be necessary.

  • Ensure the access ramp at the front of the building is always kept clear.

  • Under NO circumstances should naked flames, including candles be used in the hall.

  • Be vigilant of any burning smells and take action.

Emergency Plan

In the event of a fire, or other emergency TAKE CONTROL!

  • Give loud and clear instructions.

  • Tell everybody to immediately evacuate the building using their nearest exit and assemble in the playground by goal. Give assistance where needed.

  • Do NOT attempt to tackle a fire unless you are trained and confident to do so.

Call the Fire Bridge – dial 999, the address is:

Witcombe and Bentham Village Hall
Pillcroft Road
Witcombe, Gloucestershire


  • Check all rooms that are safe to enter, check everyone has left the hall.

  • Fire extinguishers should be used to clear a safe passage to a Fire Exit.

  • Ensure emergency vehicles can access the hall.

  • DO NOT allow anyone to re-enter the hall until they are told it is safe to do so.

  • Check all attendees are accounted for.

  • Contact the Custodian on 07518 137635 or a Trustee on one of the numbers below:

    o   Jane Wintle          07776 176132

o   Steve Hawkins    07786 894306

o   Robin Danielle     07850 683847

o   Dave Hitchcock   07800 716689

o   Caroline Hope     07802 184103